The Historians Discovery-Dunmanway Connections to Winnie the Pooh

Save the Date & Mark your Calendar -Thursday 6 February, 7.30 pm at Dunmanway GAA Pavilion Admission proceeds in support of the Historical Association.

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Exploring Ireland and your Irish Heritage

  A very interesting article to read, sent to us by one of the Dunmanway Scouts who is very interested in Geneaology.It is wonderful to see the younger generations showing such interest in our History. Please click the link below to continure reading.     Exploring Ireland and Yo...

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Book sale still on

With Christmas just around the corner, why dont you gift your loved ones with one of our fantastic Pictorials?Take them down the memory lane this Christmas. With our great sale still on you can buy 3 for €10. Lots of fantastic photos.

Heritage Update for the month of October

This heritage update for the month of October contains details on a number of heritage initiatives and projects from the local to the national level, as well as details of heritage events over the coming weeks that may be of interest. This update also contains details on Celebrating Cork Past 202...

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Future Proofing History

Future Proofing History: Plans for a New Guide to County Cork's Commemorative Landscape A uniquely future orientated reflection of County Cork’s rich historical past is set to commence with the announcement that Cork County Council will develop a comp...

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Both books now available to buy for €10 each

Lecture Series

Talk by Joe Creedon at GAA Pavilion on THURSDAY 17 October at 8.00 pm

Michael Collins

Michael Collins born 16th October 1890-22nd August 1922 was an Irish Revolutionary,soldier and politician who was a leading figure in the early 20th century struggle for Irish Independance.During the War Of Independance he was a Director of Intelligence of the Irish Republican Army and a government ...

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Book Sale

Our Pictorials are still on sale 3 for €10  Our Journals are also still on sale 3 for €5 St Patrick's Church                        10 euro The Murder of Canon Magner         10 euro  

Ballinacarriga Castle...

Of county Cork's numerous tower houses (325 at least) the most perfect is Ballinacarriga near Dunmanway. Beautifully built in the local flagstone, set on a glaciated ridge of rock above a lake, the tower shows the whole series of rooms,from the dark stone vaulted bottom storey to the great chamber a...

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